How Cloutpot Works

Learn about the fastest growing community of social media business owners.

Seller lists the account

Cloutpot team reviews all listings prior to publishing them live. The seller is free to set their own price as a starting point for negotiation.

Buyer & Seller Communicate

Using a secure messaging system, buyers & sellers can share asset context, history, and future potential.

Buyer Sends Offer

Buyer makes an offer to buy the assets. Upon offer acceptance, Buyer and Seller can begin a Cloutpot Deal.

Secure Asset Transfer

Cloutpot team securely transfers assets to the buyer, and the seller receives funds from the transaction.

Learn more about Cloutpot Deal Service

Why use Cloutpot

Cloutpot is the largest and fastest-growing marketplace for social media assets for sale.

Verified Listing Data

The data that you see on each listing is pulled directly from social media. This means that the data has been verified. Cloupot reviews and monitors listings for accurate information.

Secure Messaging & File Sharing

You will be able to communicate with sellers via a secure messaging platform. After you request information about a listing for sale, sellers are notified and have the ability to respond. When you are ready, you can make an offer.

Encrypted Payment Capture

Cloutpot with its partners provides safe & encrypted transactions, making sure that payment is securely captured. Cloutpot ensures that its users pass verification checks before transactions can proceed.

Time for Inspection

Once you submit payment to Cloutpot and the payment has been secured, the funds are held until you confirm that all assets received are as negotiated. You can use the inspection period to ask the seller any extra questions about the asset.

Secure Asset Transfer

When the Deal is finalized, a dedicated team at Cloutpo will transfer all associated information to you, making you the new owner of the asset. Buyers and sellers will be notified via an email from the Cloutpot team once asset transfer has been completed.

Post-purchase 24/7 Support

After you receive your assets from the seller, Cloutpot Support will be available to help you with any questions.

It's all about scale

Access the largest marketplace to find the right property from the right seller.

Amazing people to work with. Very fast and professional partner.

Top YouTuber | MrBeast
  • 500k+

    users - from new startups to public companies

  • 16,500

    accounts & channels listed for sale

  • 1.6B

    total audience reach listed for sale

  • $50M

    combined value of listed assets for sale